Sunday, October 26, 2014

Thursday, October 23, 2014

My Beginnings

I am so excited! My Teacher's Pay Teachers business is beginning to take off. It is still in the beginning stages but I am learning more and more everyday! My Facebook page is also growing. However, I have yet to conquer the blog. I am mostly hesitant because I am not yet teaching. I hope to have stories to blog about as I begin my student teaching in just two months!

I will begin my student teaching in January. As a Saint Mary-of-the-Woods student I feel well prepared.  However, I am thrilled and terrified at the same time! Getting teaching exams accomplished will take off so much pressure!!! In the meantime, I find it relaxing and enjoyable creating learning and organization materials to someday use in my classroom. I hope others find them useful in the until I can use them myself.

I was first inspired my one of my favorite professors. She teaches language arts in the morning in southwest Indiana and is also the head of the English department at my college. After creating some worksheet and lesson plans, she asked me if I had ever considered Teachers Pay Teachers (TPT). I had never heard of it. After I created a unit plan, she asked if she could use it with her students. I was estatic! I couldn't believe my professor wanted to use MY material. I decided to check out TPT but really had no idea how to start. Then I had another professor encourage me to sell on TPT. It just did not work out at the time.

The following school year I got a full time job as a special education assistant at a local elementary school. Let me tell you, working full time and going to school full time was beyond stressful!...but I digress. One of the special education teachers I worked with continually talked about TPT. Sometimes I would even edit things for her. She was an awesome teacher to work with and I learned an abundant amount of information and teaching skills from her. She also encouraged me to try I did. Turns out, she is TPT's famous teacher author with the store The Primary Gal! I have been very blessed to get some basic instructions from this wonderful lady!

Now to conquer the blog.........………

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